Our Mission
We come together to be formed as a community of the Spirit that seeks to follow Jesus and to demonstrate God’s promise of things to come:
…as a prayerful, worshiping people
To be a worshiping community where God sees our whole Christian lives as acts of worship — that our spiritual worship is not just what we do on Sundays in a building, but what the Lord and the world see in us every day and every moment of the week.
…as a learning and discipling people
To cultivate a grateful community of abundance and generosity that is growing continually together in its understanding and wise management of God’s gifts. We seek to grow loving individuals, a supportive community, bound by love, guided by peace and overflowing with thanksgiving.
…as a loving and nurturing people
To build relationships within God’s family. Our potential for community with one another is directly related to our relationship with God. When our hearts are open to the love of God by trusting in Jesus Christ, his love fills us and becomes the foundation upon which we move into relationship with others.
…as an inviting and witnessing people
To be a congregation that continually strives to see the world in the light of the Cross, discerns where God is at work in the world, and joins in God’s opportunities for Christian witness. Welcoming all into the joy and freedom of God’s reign, living out God’s peace and justice, bringing Sunday’s worship into the rest of the week.
We believe that our unity is in Christ and that our diversity is a gift from God.
- We welcome all regardless of age, race, gender, national origin or physical condition.
- We seek fellowship and partnership with the wider church in Hawaii and the world.
- We believe that the church is the basic setting where people encounter the gospel
- We are called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to make real in our unique setting the good news of Jesus Christ.
- We have unique gifts and opportunities, given by God, for the building up of the body to be a blessing within and beyond the church.
- We are called and sent by God to be a part of the redemptive and reconciling ministry of Jesus Christ.
We are committed to…
Love One Another
John 13:34
Care for One Another
1 Cor. 12:25
Offer Hospitality to One Another
1 Peter 4:9
founded in 1904
829 Pensacola Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
(808) 594-6446
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Ample parking is available. Enter on Rycroft Street to get to the lot or on Pensacola Street for lawn parking.